Josh Smith delivers both the awe-inspiring and the macabre in his game. He is breathtaking in a way that inspires fist pumps, and breathtaking like a stomach punch in a way that inspires fist shaking.
Against the Suns, he was pivotal in raising the roof with his play throughout the first 3 quarters, and he was deflating in his selection of shots down the stretch.
It was fitting that the cable network that shall no longer be named until they televise in HD (TCNTSNLBNUTTIHD) flashed the stat that showed Smoove's FG% in wins and losses, because it was a false indicator against PHO (50%---still lost)---Seriously TCNTSNLBNUTTIHD, leave the stat pushing to guys like Bret @ Hoopinion---totally spurious relationship there (zing!).
Bottom line---when he goes to the cup, he's a great offensive player---when he launches from outside totally against the context of the offense---wait for it----yes, he's simply offensive.
More of this:
Less of this:

If the Hawks Fall in the Arena, and Bloggers are Watching---Do They Make a Sound?
The Hawks Blog Nation were given the usual first class treatment by the team for their annual Blog Night. Kudos to In-House Blogger, Micah Hart, who has made the Internet coverage of the team relevant and informational, to setting the blog world up with access to the GM, arena, and even their favorite, Coach Woodson.
You can and are encouraged (the HHB finger is pointed at all of you) to go by the sidebar and check out the in game blogs, interviews, and accounts of the game---you have my expressed written consent to do so.
Shhhh---Hoopinion is Listening
Yup, yups to ESPN's own Bret @ Hoopinion for taking the shallahnge that the HHB offered here regarding the Josh Smith Blocked Shot Rate After Resting and impossibly making that title longer here: The Possible Influence of Rest on Josh Smith's Block Rate Since Returning From His High Ankle Sprain---oh, he added the due diligence of statistical input as well.
And then, as if the Blog Nation had a bug in the HHB Viewing Center, Hoopinion comes across with an even better look at the phenomenon known as Missing Every Freaking Technical Free Throw. Seriously, somebody get Jason and Grant from Ghost Hunters out to the team to see what's haunting these guys when they are all alone out there.
If You Can't Take the Heat, You're Probably the Magic!
Just a witty rejoinder at the expense of the team that most recently wiped the floor of us. If we can't beat you, Orlando, we'll put a 6th rate joke in bold print! Take that, Mickey Mouse!
Next up is, in fact, the Heat, and given the defensive troubles that our man Bibby had last night, Sherman Douglas is probably lacing them up to see if he can get some run in with the Heat tonight.
The HHB is investigating its namesake for giving the Josh Smith teabag of Steve Nash a 9.5, but a fairly common dunk in traffic a 10.5/10---Any leads, clues, and of course Comments are welcome in the Comments section.
You know..... Mike was awful last night. I can normally make plenty of excuses for my fav Hawks players, but I really have nothing good to say about his performance last night. That's unfortunate. I still heart Josh and I still fault our guards for giving him the ball in bad places. He just can't help himself. It's like if you take me to a shoe store. I can't be responsible for my actions. LOL
Yes he was, CC, and is was complete with the 2-foul benching in the 2nd Q.
His passing was still superb, as was Jo-Jo's, but when you eat heartily from the dish of the long ball---I mean, I hear chicks dig it and all---but when you aren't hitting the long ball, you're simply striking out.
Oh, and apparently, you give up 237 points in a quarter to anyone lined up against you.
As for Josh---he is still prime time, but the worst thing that can happen to the man is to watch his first couple of jumpers swish---it's like watching Reggie Jackson or Barry Bonds admire their own dingers---he simply has to have more---Personally, I pull for an airball---it makes him .000001 percent less likely to continue to bomb away.
I'll take it.
Josh has been driving to the basket a lot more lately and it is great.
But sometimes those drives start sixty feet from the basket and he still pulls out fourth quarters like Sunday night too often.
fix those two things, don't pout for more than one possession, and rebound like horford is injured and you got an allstar.
You dare dream to have it all Drew? Listen, if you can't handle the beets with the sweet, sweet corn Smith provides then you are destined to be disappointed by dinner every night---
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